November Morning Tubs for Kindergarten
November is such a fun and busy month in kindergarten. To keep your students learning, on task, and keep their attention all month long, you need a solid plan for your morning routine. Insert… November morning tubs for kindergarten!
November Morning Tubs for Kindergarten
By November, you've settled into a rhythm, your students better understand the routines and procedures, and hopefully they're starting to master the skills you've been teaching.
As an added bonus, you get a few days off to rest, recuperate, and spend time with family during Thanksgiving break. However, that can also mean that just like you, your students are excited about the upcoming holiday.
It can be more difficult to hold students' attention and keep them on task leading up to the break. To help you keep your morning routine consistent and keep the learning going, I wanted to share these November Morning Tubs for Kindergarten with you.
Don't let the “morning” part fool you though, these November morning tubs can be used any time of day.
Whether you need a hands-on soft start to the day, some fun math and literacy center activities, or a time-filler or early finisher option, these activity tubs are perfect.
This November morning tubs kit includes literacy and math activities with a fun turkey theme, making them perfect to use leading up to Thanksgiving.
The skills included in this resource are ones that your kindergartners are most likely working on during the month of November. It is packed full of games and interactive, hands-on activities to keep students engaged and learning.
Each activity comes with an “I Can” card to promote student independence. These activities use basic classroom supplies like magnetic letters, dry erase markers, plastic math cubes, play dough, and more.
There are no recording sheets included, which means less prep and grading for you!
November Morning Tub Literacy Activities
These November Morning Tubs include a variety of literacy activities to help your students practice their skills. You can easily differentiate and have students practice the skills they need most. Read on to take a peek at some of the literacy activities included in this set.
Gobble, Gobble Letter Order
Gobble, Gobble Letter Order is a great activity for students to use to practice letter recognition and letter sequence.
Students identify the letters in the letter sequence and fill in the ones that are missing. You can use magnetic letters or dry erase markers for this activity. You could even have students use play dough and letter stamps.
For a DIY version, laminate sentence strips, write random letters on them, and have students fill in the missing letters on the sentence strip using a magnetic letter or dry erase marker.
Feather-y Onset and Rime
Onset and rime is an important skill for students to practice when learning to sound out and decode CVC words.
In this November morning tubs activity, students say the name of the CVC picture on the turkey. Then, they match the feathers to show the onset and rime.
Turkey Sight Words
Turkey Sight Words is a versatile activity that can be easily differentiated to meet the needs of your students and your specific sight word list.
It is editable, so you can easily add your own sight words and customize the activity. You could create different sight word lists for different groups of students or individual students, so they are all working on their level while completing the same activity.
To play, students select a sight word card and place it on the mat. Then, they build the word using a dry erase marker or magnetic letters.
November Morning Tub Math Activities
There are also an array of hands-on and engaging math activities included in the November Morning Tubs set. Here is a sneak peek at a few of the turkey-themed math tub activities.
Turkey Ten Frames
Turkey Ten Frames is a great activity to help students identify and count numbers to ten. First, they identify the number represented on the ten frame card. Then, they find and cover the corresponding ten frame on the activity mat.
Students can cover the ten frame with a plastic math cube, plastic bear, mini eraser, or other small manipulative.
Turkey Make 10
Making 10 is an important skill and one that is practiced a lot around Thanksgiving time. Make it even more fun with this Turkey Make 10 morning tub activity.
Students will use the ten frame on the left of the mat to identify a way to make 10. Then, they use magnetic numbers or dry erase markers to show that way to make 10.
Turkey Feathers
In this Turkey Feathers activity, students will select a Turkey Feathers “direction” card. They will count out each feather color to match the direction card and put them on the turkey. Then, they will count to see how many feathers the turkey has in all.
To take this a step further, students could write the number of feathers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
If you liked the activities in this blog post and would like to incorporate them into your morning routine during the busy month of November, you can grab the entire November Morning Tubs set by clicking here!
I'd love to hear which of these activities your students would be most excited for! Let me know in the comments.
Want to learn more about morning tubs and how to use, store, organize, and get started with them in your classroom? Read more about them in these blog posts.