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Fire Safety Activities for Kindergarten

During the month of October there are so many fun themes to cover. It seems like there's just never enough time to get everything in. Between fire safety, community helpers, fall, and Halloween, this month is busy. As we kick off the month, I wanted to share some of my favorite fire safety activities for kindergarten. 

Fire Safety Activities for Kindergarten

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Fire Safety Read Alouds

Sometimes topics such as fire safety can be a little complicated for our young learners. One of the best ways to help students relate to this topic is to approach it in a way that they can connect with.

Using developmentally appropriate read alouds can help students understand the importance of fire safety.

Here's a look at some read alouds that are perfect to include with your fire safety activities for kindergarten:

Fire Safety Snack

Put a fire safety spin on snack time in the classroom with an adorable and easy to make fire truck snack.

All you need for this snack are graham crackers, mini chocolate sandwich cookies, pretzel sticks, and red frosting. For step-by-step directions and a free fire truck activity, check out this blog post.

You can make this snack before your read aloud time so students can enjoy their snack while listening.

Fire Safety Writing Activities

Another way to help students understand the topic of fire safety is to get them writing about it.

Using fire safety vocabulary words will help you teach about fire safety. It will also give students an opportunity to practice using those words in writing and conversations.

Using fire safety-themed writing center activities for kindergarten will help your students learn new vocabulary words, use them in context, label important fire safety items, understand the role of a firefighter, and so much more.

You can even get your students thinking about what they would do during a fire drill, how to stay safe, and what a firefighter's job is by using fire safety-themed writing prompts.

Fire Safety Writing Activities

Fire Safety Math and Literacy Centers

Fire safety activities for kindergarten can also be used to practice key math and literacy skills. These fire safety math and literacy centers are the perfect way to incorporate this theme into your lessons in October.

With 14 total center activities included, your students will practice skills such as uppercase and lowercase letter recognition, beginning sounds, counting, comparing numbers, measurement, sorting, and more.

The best part is, you can use these all throughout your Fire Safety Week studies and not have to worry about getting any other center activities ready.

You can also use these all throughout the month of October to talk about fire safety and the important community helper, the firefighter.

Fire Safety Centers

Fire Safety Freebies

To help make lesson planning during the crazy month of October a little less stressful, I created a freebie packet full of fire safety activities for kindergarten.

Help students learn to dial 9-1-1 in an emergency with a telephone printable. Students will identify the number sequence they should call if they need help and dab the number sequence on the phone.

This is also a great opportunity to discuss what is an emergency and what is not an emergency so students understand when and why to call 9-1-1.

Also included in this freebie packet is an uppercase and lowercase letter activity, color code activity, roll and color number identification and counting activity, and a fun partner math game.

Click here to get your free Fire Safety Freebie packet.

Fire Safety Freebie

If your school allows, you can also reach out to your local fire department and ask if a few of the firefighters can come talk with your students about fire safety and their job as firefighters.

Sometimes young children are afraid of firefighters dressed in all of their gear. Having them come talk to the students, show them their gear and their fire truck, and help them understand how to be fire safe is a great way to help students feel more comfortable.

I hope you've enjoyed these fire safety activities for kindergarten. Let me know in the comments which activities you'll be trying this year during Fire Safety Week.

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  1. Hi Melissa,

    For BTS you had a freebie for number identification and letter recognition. Do you have the next set say 11-20 and beyond or was that the only one?

  2. Thank you for always giving something extra to those who are looking for something special!! This will be wonderful for my little ones for Fire Safety Week!!

    1. Hi Hailey,
      I checked it and it was working for me. But I re-inserted the download link just to be sure. The file is an instant download, so once you click the link the file will begin downloading at the bottom of your browser window.

    1. Hi Sanna,
      I’m sorry you are having trouble printing the file. Try printing from a different computer and/or printer. It downloads and prints fine on my end. 🙂

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