Kindergarten Memory Book | End of the Year Memory Book
Total Pages: 62
File Size: 20 MB
Memory books are a perfect way to gather student opinions and experiences throughout the year. Plus it serves as a sweet memento for students to look back on. This memory book was designed specifically for Kindergarten and first grade students. The pages are kid-friendly with large spaces for drawing and larger dotted lines for writing.
Students will just need pencils and crayons to complete the pages. There are five cover page options included: PreK, Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, and one generic cover which would work for any grade level. All pages are in black and white to save on color ink {and to allow students to color the pictures and add their own personal touch!}
Each page focuses on only one theme such as my school, recess, a special day, class parties, etc. Theme pages are offered with differentiated options so that you can pick which lay-out works best for your students. Pages range from drawing a picture only, a picture and a simple written response, or a drawing and lines for a sentence or two.
You do not need to use all of the pages in this book. There are several options and differentiated levels included in this resource. Pick the topics and levels that work best for you and your class.
To create the memory book I would suggest that you complete only one page per day. First select the page that you will be working on. Next, as a group, have students brainstorm a list of ideas surrounding that theme or topic. This is a super important step to refresh student’s memories. Record or draw their ideas for them to refer to.
You can staple the pages together or use a binding machine to create the books.
The following themes/pages are included
Cover Pages (5 options) PreK, Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, and one generic cover
All About Me
This is Me
First Day of School
Last Day of School (2 Options)
My Favorites
I Am Happy / Things that Make Me Happy
By the Numbers
My Assistant Principal (2 Options)
You’re Special (2 Options)
My Friends (2 Options)
My Classmates
Our Class Picture (2 Options)
Our Class List (2 Options)
I Can Read
Favorite Book (2 Options)
I am Proud of Me (3 Options)
Lunch Time (3 Options)
The Best Class Party
Our Class Pet (2 Options)
Recess (2 Options)
Field Trip (4 Options)
What a Day {Special Day} (2 Options)
Specials: Art Class (2 Options)
Specials: Music Class (2 Options)
Specials: Me at P.E. (2 Options)
Specials: At the Library (2 Options)
Specials: Fun at Special (2 Options)
A Trip to the School Nurse (2 Options)
In School I Learned (3 Options)
In Reading I Learned (3 Options)
In Math I Learned (3 Options)
I Can Write Uppercase Letters
I Can Write Lowercase Letters
I Can Write Numbers to 20
In Science I Learned
Fun in Social Studies
Looking Ahead {to Next Year} (2 Options)
When I Grow Up
Autographs from Classmates
Photos From the Year (for photos)
A Note From My Teacher (2 Options)
Summer Bucket List / Plans (5 Options)
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