Kindergarten Literacy Centers: CVCe Centers
Total Pages: 105
File Size: 95 MB

This resource will provide your students with fun, hands-on centers to practice reading, writing, and building/spelling CVCe words. The activities are perfect to use all year long and will make planning a breeze. Preparing these activities are also super easy!
Included are 15 center activities for CVCe words. Please download the preview to see a picture of each of the activities in action.
Good News! This packet is part of a bundle: CVCe Bundle: Activities to Teach CVCe Words
Each center activity comes with
-Teacher friendly directions
-“I Can” direction pages for students
-A black and white recording sheet
-Answer Keys for easy checking
Here's a look at what's included:
Ribbit-Ribbit Rhymes: Students will read the words on the logs and find the CVCe picture on the frog that makes a rhyming match. They will record the rhyming CVCe pairs on the lines to show their work.
Puzzle Time: Students will put the puzzles together to spell a CVCe word. They will find the matching picture on their paper and write the CVCe word on the line.
Change the Sound: Students will select an activity card and read the CVCe word at the top. They will change the vowel sound to match the CVCe picture on the basket. They will record the new CVCe word on their paper.
Make a Word: Students will select an activity card and blend each onset and rime to determine the real word. They will record the real word on their paper and draw a picture to illustrate the word.
Roll and Trace: Students will roll the cube and identify the picture. They will find the corresponding CVCe word on their paper and trace it to match the color-coded circle. They will continue until all of the words have been traced.
Roll and Graph: Students will roll the cube and identify the picture. They will find the corresponding CVCe word on their paper and write it on the graph using the color code. They will roll 15 times and use tally marks to keep track of their rolls. They will use their graph to answer the questions.
Word Scoop: Students will read the word on the card to determine if it is a real word or a nonsense word. They will record the word on their paper under the correct heading.
Rockin' CVCe Words: Students will select a picture card and unscramble the letters to spell the CVCe picture shown on the card. They will find the matching picture on their paper and record the CVCe word.
Long Vowel Ladybugs: Students will sort the picture cards using the sorting mats. They will write the CVCe words on the paper under the correct word family heading.
Find, Color, and Write: Students will select a word card and read the CVCe word. They will find the matching CVCe picture on their paper and color it to match the color on the card. They will then write the CVCe word on the line.
Mixed Up Sentences #1 and #2: Students will select a set of cards with the same picture. They will put the cards in order to make a complete sentence. To record their work, they will find the matching picture and record the sentence on the line.
CVCe Sentences: Students will select a sentence card. They will unscramble the words to make a complete sentence. They will find the picture that matches the sentence. They will record the sentence on the line next to the matching picture.
Read and Draw: Students will select a sentence card and read the sentence. They will match the number on the card to the number on their paper. They will draw a picture to illustrate the sentence.
Match the Word: Students will select a card and read the three words. They will match the number on the card to the number on their paper. They will record the CVCe word that matches the picture on the recording sheet.
Match It Up: Students will match the onset and rime cards to spell the CVCe word that is pictured on the onset card. They will finding the matching CVCe picture on the recording sheet and write the word on the line.
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