Back to School Kindergarten Centers | Kindergarten Literacy & Math Centers
Back to School Kindergarten centers with literacy and math activities for the beginning of the school year
Total Pages: 237

This collection of Back to School Kindergarten Centers includes literacy and math activities that are perfect for the beginning of the year in Kindergarten! Themes included in this packet are all things back-to-school including art, school supplies, school kids, lunchtime, and more.
Includes basic Kindergarten ready skills: letter recognition, uppercase and lowercase letters, beginning sounds, fine motor practice, counting, number recognition and number writing, ten frames, shapes, and more.
Contains a total of 23 center activities (13 math center activities and 10 literacy center activities). All activities are common core aligned with standards included.
All activities include:
-a table of contents
-recording sheets to hold students accountable for their work
-kid-friendly “I Can” posters to promote independence
-an answer key for easy checking
-follow-up print-and-go activities/worksheets to reinforce the skills covered in this packet.
Here's what's included with these Back to School Kindergarten Centers:
- Secret Code Letter Sounds (Detective Themed) – Students will look at a series of pictures (clues) all with the same beginning sound to determine what the secret letter is. They will solve the case by recording the secret letter on their paper. (RF.K.1d, RF.K.3a, L.K.1a)
- Letter Dab – Students will select a card with an uppercase letter and use a bingo dabber to dab the matching lowercase letter on their paper. (RF.K.1d)
- Beginning Sounds Dab – Students will select a picture card and use a bingo dabber to dab the beginning sound on their paper. (RF.K.3a)
- Letter Match and Sort (3 activities in 1 – includes separate “I Can” charts for each activity) – Students will match uppercase and lowercase letters, put letters in ABC order, or sort capital and lowercase letters. (RF.K.1d, L.K.5a)
- Letter and Sound Match Up (2 activities in 1 – includes separate “I Can” charts for each activity) – Students will match pictures to their beginning sounds or match uppercase and lowercase letters. (RF.K.1d, RF.K3a)
- A Work of Art – Students will select a letter card, find the matching letter on their paper and trace the letter using a colored pencil. (RF.K.1d, L.K.1a)
- School Syllables – A simple introduction to syllables to 1 and 2 syllables words. Students will select a picture card and determine the number of syllables. They will use a bingo dabber to dab their answer. Also includes optional sorting mats. (RF.K.2b)
- Write the Room – includes a stationary option as well, instead of walking around the room. (L.K.1a, RF.K.1b)
- Letter and Word Sort – Students will sort letter and word cards. Optional sorting mats included. (L.K.1a, L.K.5a)
- Shape Sort – Students will sort pattern blocks using sorting mats. Pattern block pictures are included if you do not have pattern blocks in your classroom.
- Write and Wipe (Numbers to 10) – Students will practice writing numbers to 10. (K.CC.A.3)
- Trace and Wipe – Students will practice tracing various lines from left to right. Also includes a cutting page.
- Count On and Dab – Students will practice counting fluently within 5, beginning from any number. They will use a bingo dabber to show their answer. (K.CC.A.2)
- Numbers and Shapes, Oh My! – Students will match colors to trace numbers and shapes. (K.CC.A.3)
- Number Order to 5 and 10 – Students will put number cards in order. (Includes 2 options, to 5 and 10) (K.CC.A.1)
- Monkey Business – Students will count a set of objects within 10 and record the number. (K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.4, K.CC.B.5)
- Numbers and Shape Sort – Students will sort numbers and shapes. Includes sorting mats.
- Lunch Time – Students will count to fill in the missing numbers up to 10. (Includes optional number line) (K.CC.A.2)
- What's for Lunch? – Students will fill in the missing middle number when given the number before and after. (K.CC.A.2)
- Ten Frame Match Up – Students will match the number card (up to 10) to the ten frame card. (K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.4)
- Number Puzzles – Students will use the puzzles to practice number order to 5 or 10. Several puzzles included. Also includes black and white option. (K.CC.A.1)
- Play Dough Mats 0-10 – Includes forming numbers, ten frame representation, and writing the numbers (K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.4)
Additional back to school Kindergarten resources:
It's All Fun & Games Back to School Math & Literacy Activities for Kindergarten
August Morning Work for Kindergarten {Common Core Aligned}
A Dab of Learning {Back-to-School Literacy & Math Bingo Dabber Activity Pages}
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