Long Vowel CVCE Word Work – Read It, Trace It, Make It
Total Pages: 92

The CVCe activities in this packet will help students learn to read, build, and write CVCe words within the short vowel word families. This activity can be used as a reading center or word work center to help students read, write and build short vowel CVCe words and practice word families.
This file received a complete makeover in March 2018!
This file contains 2 types of activities.
•Activity #1: On the activity mat students will read the word, trace the word using a dry erase marker, and then make the word using magnetic letters or play-doh. Color and black and white versions are included.
•Activity #2: This activity is a black and white student-version of the color mat. These are great for recording sheets to hold students can be accountable for their work or as follow-up activities. Students will read the word, trace the word, and then make the word. To have students “make the word” you could use magazine letters, stamps, or the letter pieces included in this packet.
This file includes:
• 22 CVCe mats {color and black and whites versions are included}
• 22 Student cut and paste pages
• Teacher friendly directions
• Student-friendly “I Can” page
The following word families are included:
• age, ake, ale, ame, ane, ate, ave and 2 mixed long a
• ide, ile, ime, ine, and 2 mixed long i
• ose, ote and 3 mixed long o
• 2 mixed long u
Find the CVC version below:
⭐ CVC Words Short Vowel Word Families: Read, Trace, Make}
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